Results for 'Jalāl Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Mūsá'

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    Min al-falsafah al-Yūnānīyah ilá al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah.Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Marḥabā - 1970 - Manshurat Uwaydat.
  2. Rasāʼil al-Kindī al-falsafiyah.Muhammad Abd Al-Hadi Kindi & Abu Ridah - 1950 - Dar Al-Fikr Al- Arabi. Edited by Abū Rīdah & Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Hādī.
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    An Urdu Newspaper Reader.Ernest Bender, Muhammad Abd-Al-Rahman Barker, Shafiqur Rahman & Hasan Jahangir Hamdani - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (4):818.
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    Classical Urdu Poetry.Ernest Bender, Muhammad Abd-Al-Rahman Barker & Shah Abdus Salam - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):353.
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    A Course in Baluchi.Herbert Penzl, Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker & Aqil Khan Mengal - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1):135.
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  6. Publications received for review.Daud A. Abdo, S. Agesthiaungom, N. Kumaraswami Raja, Peter Alexander, George Allen, Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker, Hasan Jahangir Hamdani, Khwaja Dihlavi, Muhammad Shafi & Montreal Press - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8 (2):157.
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  7. al-Fikr al-siyāsī wa-al-akhlāqī ʻinda al-ʻĀmirī: Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf, al-mutawaffá ʻām 381 H: dirāsat wa-taḥqīq kitāb al-Saʻādah wa-al-isʻād fī al-sīrah al-insānīyah.Ahmad Abd Al-Halim Atiyah & Abu Al-Hasan Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Amiri - 1991 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Thaqāfah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Aḥmad ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm ʻAṭīyah.
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  8. (4 other versions)al-Milal wa-al-niḥal.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Karim Shahrastani & Muhammad Riza Jalali Na'ini - 1910 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Maʻrifah. Edited by Jalālī Nāʼīnī, Muḥammad Riz̤ā, Turkah Iṣfahānī & Afz̤al al-Dīn Muḥammad Ṣadr.
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  9. Struggling with the philosopher: a refutation of Avicenna's metaphysics.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Karim Shahrastani, Toby Mayer & Wilferd Madelung - 2001 - New York: I.B. Tauris. Edited by Toby Mayer & Wilferd Madelung.
    Muhammad al-Shahrastani, the famous Muslim theologian of the 12th century and author of the Book of Religious and Philosophical Sects, was greatly influenced by Ismaili teachings. In this work al-Shahrastani refutes the metaphysics of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) from an Ismaili point of view.
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    One hundred wretched people.Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Raḥīm - 2006 - Karachi: Available at, Idaratul Maʻarif.
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  11. Kniga o religii︠a︡kh i sektakh.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Karim Shahrastani & S. M. Prozorov - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka," Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry. Edited by S. M. Prozorov.
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    Religionspartheien und Philosophen-Schulen.Muhammad ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm Shahrastānī - 1969 - (Reprograf.: Nachdr. d. Ausg. Halle, Schwetschke, 1850-1861) Hildesheim, G. Olms.
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    Ibn Tufayl's Hayy Ibn Yaqzān: A Philosophical Tale.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Malik Ibn Tufayl & Lenn Evan Goodman (eds.) - 1983 - Twayne.
    The Arabic philosophical fable _Hayy Ibn Yaqzan _is a classic of medieval Islamic philosophy. Ibn Tufayl, the Andalusian philosopher, tells of a child raised by a doe on an equatorial island who grows up to discover the truth about the world and his own place in it, unaided—but also unimpeded—by society, language, or tradition. Hayy’s discoveries about God, nature, and man challenge the values of the culture in which the tale was written as well as those of every contemporary society. (...)
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    Two Andalusian philosophers.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Malik Ibn Tufayl, Jim Colville & Averroës (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Kegan Paul International.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Les Étapes Mystiques du shaykh Abu SaʿidA Sufi Rule for Novices (Kitāb Ādāb al-Murīdīn)The ṬawāsīnLes Etapes Mystiques du shaykh Abu SaidA Sufi Rule for Novices (Kitab Adab al-Muridin)The Tawasin.Hamid Algar, Mohammad Ebne Monawwar, Mohammad Achena, Abū al-Najīb al-Suhrawardī, Menahem Milson, Manṣūr al-Ḥallāj, Aisha Abd ar-Rahman at-Tarjumana, Abu al-Najib al-Suhrawardi & Mansur al-Hallaj - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (4):486.
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  16. al-Ḥadāthah bayna al-tārīkh wa-al-falsafah: aʻmāl nadwat al-ḥadāthah wa-al-tārīkh allatī naẓẓamahā Mukhtabar al-tārīkh wa-al-ʻilm wa-al-mujtamaʻ yawmayy 20-21 Nūwanbir 2019.Muhammad Naeem, ʻAbd al-Majīd Nūsī & al-Saʻīd Labīb (eds.) - 2021 - [al-Rabāṭ]: Kulliyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah al-Jadīdah.
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  17. Suʼāl al-akhlāq: musāhamah fī al-naqd al-akhlāqī lil-ḥadāthah al-gharbīyah.Ṭāhā ʻAbd al-Raḥmān - 2000 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʻArabī.
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  18. The Eternal Message of Muhammad.'Abd-Al-Rahman 'Azzam - 1965
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    Linguistic Responses of Abd al-Hamid al-Farahi: His Responses to Grammatical Issues as a Case Study.Hussein Ali Abd Salim & Dr Kyan Ahmed Hazem Yahya - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1419-1433.
    This research focuses on the contributions of a non-Arab scholar who has significantly impacted the study of the language of the Qur'an, the most revered and miraculous of texts. Despite its eternal wonders and the mysteries of its miraculous nature remaining untapped, the language of the Qur'an continues to be a subject of intense study. After reviewing the works of al-Farahi, I was impressed by the boldness of this non-Arab scholar in critiquing many established theories of Arabic lexicographers, morphologists, and (...)
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  20. Practical philosophy of the Muhammadan people: exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, so as to render either an introduction to the other: being a translation of the Akhlak-i Jalaly... from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muhammad Asaad.Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawānī - 1839 - Karachi: Karimsons. Edited by W. F. Thompson.
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  21. Lama at-I Ilahiyah.Abd Allah Zunuzi, Jalal al-din Ashtiyani & Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1976 - Anjuman-I Shahinshahi-Yi Falsafah- I Iran.
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  22. The English translation of Akhlak-i-Jalali: a code of morality in Persian.Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawānī - 1939 - Lahore,: Mubarak Ali. Edited by S. H. Deen.
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    al-Imām Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī wa-falsafatuhu al-khuluqīyah.Rāʼid ʻAbd al-Jalīl ʻAwāwdah - 2016 - Irbid: ʻĀlam al-Kutub al-Ḥadīth lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar; 1149 or 1150-1210; criticism and interpretation; Islamic ethics; Islamic philosophy.
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    Fiqh al-iṣlāḥ bayna al-tarbiyah wa-al-siyāsah: Ibn al-ʻArabī wa-Ibn Tūmart namūdhajan.ʻAbd al-Majīd Najjār - 1997 - [Rabat?]: ʻʻU. al-Najjār.
    Islamic education; Islam and politics; Morocco; Ibn al-ʻArabī; Muḥammad ibn Tūmart; comparative study.
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    al-Shaykh Muḥammad Abū Zahrah wa-fikruhu al-tarbawī.Aḥmad ʻAbd al-ʻĀl Muḥammad - 2009 - Dasūq [Egypt]: Dār al-ʻIlm wa-al-Īmān lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Abū Zahrah, Muḥammad; criticism and interpretations.
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  26. Ishkālīyat al-taʼwīl bayna kull min al-Ghazzālī wa-Ibn Rushd.Ahmad Abd Al-Muhaymin & Muhammad Atif Iraqi - 2001 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    Kitāb Firaq al-Shī'ahKitab Firaq al-Shi'ah.Philip K. Hitti, Abu-Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn-Mūsa al-Nawbakhti, Hellmut Ritter & Abu-Muhammad al-Hasan ibn-Musa al-Nawbakhti - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):214.
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    The faith and practice of al-Ghazālī. Ghazzālī & Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al- Ghazali - 1953 - London,: Allen & Unwin. Edited by W. Montgomery Watt.
    Deliverance from error and attachment to the Lord God of Might and Majesty. [al-Munḳidh min al-ḍalāl]--The beginning of guidance. [Badāyat al-hidāyah].
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    Khalq al-Nabī ṣallá Allāh ʻalayhi wa-sallam wa-khuluqihi =.Abū Bakr Muḥammad Ibn ʻAbd Allāh Ibn ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz Sijistānī - 2014 - al-Rabāṭ: Markaz al-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt fī al-Fiqh al-Mālikī, al-Rābiṭah al-Muḥammadīyah lil-ʻUlamāʼ. Edited by Ṭāriq Ṭāṭamī.
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    Das Kriterium des Handelns =. Ghazzālī & Abū-Ḥāmid Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al- Ġazzālī - 2006 - Darmstadt: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. Edited by ʻAbd-Elṣamad ʻAbd-Elḥamīd Elschazlī.
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  31. Die Spuren Al-Batlajusi's in der Jüdischen Religions Philosophie Nebst Einer Ausg. Der Hebräischen Übersetzungen Seiner Bildlichen Kriese.David Kaufmann & Abd Allah Ibn Muhammad Al-Batalyawsi - 1967 - Philo Press (Singel 395).
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  32. The confessions of al Ghazzali.Ab U. Hâmid Muhammad B. Muhammad Ghazzâlî & Claud Herbert A. Field - 1909 - New York,: E.P. Dutton and company. Edited by Claud Field.
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    Professional Awareness and its Relation to Achievement Drive Among the War Correspondents.Shakir Hamid Challab & Dr Kamal Muhammad Serhan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1609-1629.
    Life is a series of inputs, procedures, and outputs that shape an individual’s personality. The role of work is not limited to providing a material and moral resource only. An individual with the drive to achieve can overcome the challenges he will face, perform the tasks required of him, and struggle for success (Bani Younis, 2009, p. 3). Once the reporter joins the work, he sets goals to achieve. Some try to increase their knowledge and develop their skills, there are (...)
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    Die Spuren Al-Batlajusi's in der jüdischen Religionsphilosophie.David Kaufmann & Abd Allah ibn Muhammad Batalyawsi - 1967 - Amsterdam,: Philo Press (Singel 395). Edited by ʻAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad Baṭalyawsī.
    Die Spuren Al-Batlajusis in der judischen Religionsphilosophe ist ein unveranderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1880. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernahrung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur. Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitaten erhaltlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bucher neu und tragt damit zum Erhalt selten gewordener Literatur und historischem Wissen auch fur (...)
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    Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Radiologists and Paramedics Towards Accident and Emergency Preparedness and the Role of Biomedical Engineering in Prehospital Emergencies.Bader Mohammed Alzughaibi, Khalid Abdullah Al Subait, Hamed Raja Alotaibi, Majed Samran Almutairi, Ibrahim Ahmad Daghas, Adel Rshead Almutairi, Hamda Saad AlOtaibi & Musa Muhammad Ibrahim Alrami - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:686-693.
    Purpose: The purposes of this study were to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of radiologists and paramedics regarding accident and emergency preparedness in hospitals in the southern region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and how to improve their role. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive, cross‑sectional online survey that was carried out among radiologists and paramedics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A self-structured, close-ended questionnaire that was administered that consisted of 19 questions was included. The questionnaire (...)
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  36. The Methodological Issues on Al-Jazari’s Scientific Heritage in Russian Studies.Fegani Beyler - 2023 - Bingöl University Journal of Social Sciences Institute 25 (25):160-169.
    Extensive scientific, philosophical and artistic activities were carried out in the Islamic World’s various science and civilization centers during the early Middle Ages. In these centers, noteworthy works of mathematics, astronomy, geography, medicine, pharmacology, optics, botany, chemistry and other fields of science, which would later determine improvement paths for these fields, were created. Abu al-Izz Ismail ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari (12th-13th centuries), was a magnificent Muslim scientist known for his work named The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices (Kitab fi (...)
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    In the Ligth of Archive Documents The Mosque and Zāwiya of Shaykh Luṭfullah from Balıkesir.Abdülmecit İslamoğlu & Mehmet Akkuş - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):885-908.
    Hājjī Bayrām Walī’s religious guidance activities that he took over from Somuncu Baba (Ḥamīd al-Dīn Aqsarāyī) were not limited with Ankara and nearby it. These activities continued by expanding with Bayrāmī tekke lodges and zāwiyas which were established by khalīfas trained by him. As a result of this expanding, Shaykh Luṭfullah, one of the khalīfas, led to establishment of waqf and works related to it such as mosque, madrasah and zāwiya in Balıkesir and nearby it. There has not been any (...)
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    De la biblioteca de Ibn Ḥakam de Menorca a la de la ṭarīqa al-Sanūsiyya: a propósito de un manuscrito del siglo XIII conservado en Bengasi (Libia) (Manuscripta libica I).Aurélien Montel - 2023 - Al-Qantara 44 (1):e04.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un manuscrito conservado en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Bengasi (Libia) que contiene el Kitāb al-Ǧawhara fī nasab al-nabī ṣallā Allāh ʽalayhi wa-sallam wa-aṣḥābihi al-ʽašara por Abū ʽAbd Allāh Muḥammad b. Abī Bakr b. ʽAbd Allāh b. Mūsà al-Anṣārī al-Barrī al-Tilimsānī (596/1200-681/1282). Aunque ha sido mencionado en algunas publicaciones, no llamó la atención de los especialistas de la historia cultural de al-Andalus. Debido a la situación actual de la institución de conservación, no ha (...)
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    Benefiting from Symbols of Saudi Heritage to Create Artistic Artifacts Using Artificial Intelligence Programs.Nashwa Mohamed Esam Abd El Aziz, Amani Mohammed Badir & Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Ahmed - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:849-855.
    By combining the art of Saudi heritage, because of its aesthetic values that increase and enrich the work, and the recycling of old environmental materials, innovative artistic artifacts were produced. The importance of the research came Attention was paid to the decorations of Al-Qat Al-Asiri art and benefiting from it in creating innovative artistic artifacts. The The research aims to demonstrate the aesthetic values of Al-Qat Al-Asiri art and benefit from them in creating innovative modern art objects through the idea (...)
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    Judicial Practice and Family Law in Morocco: The Chapter on Marriage from Sijilmāsī's Al-ʿAmal al-MuṭlaqJudicial Practice and Family Law in Morocco: The Chapter on Marriage from Sijilmasi's Al-Amal al-Mutlaq.Hanna E. Kassis, Henry Toledano, Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad al-Sijilmāsī & Abu Abd Allah Muhammad al-Sijilmasi - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1):160.
  41. al-Shifāʼ.C. Avicenna, Georges Ibrahim Anawati, Sa id Madkur, Muhammad Yusuf Zayid & Sulayman Musá - 1952 - Qum, Īrān: Maktabat Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá al-Marʻashī al-Najafī. Edited by Ibrāhīm Madkūr, Georges C. Anawati, Maḥmūd Muḥammad Khuḍayrī & Aḥmad Fuʼād Ahwānī.
    [1] al-Manṭiq. 1. al-Madkhal. 2. al-Maqūlāt. 3. al-ʻIbārah. 4. al-Qiyās. 5. al-Burhān. 6. al-Jadal. 7. al-Safsaṭah. 8. al-Khaṭābah. 9. al-Shiʻr (4 v.) -- [2] al-Ṭabīʻīyat. 2. al-Samāʼ wa-al-ʻālam. 3. al-Kawn wa-al-fasād. 4. al-Afʻāl wa-al-infiʻālāt. 5. al-Maʻādin wa-al-āthār al-ʻulwīyah. 6. al-Nafs. 7. al-Nabāt -- [3] al-Riyāḍīyāt. [1] Uṣūl al-handasah. 2. al-Ḥisāb. 3. Jawāmiʻ ʻilm al-mūsīqá. [4] al-Ilāhīyāt.
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    The Last Muslim Intellectual: The Life and Legacy of Jalal Al-E Ahmad.Hamid Dabashi - 2021 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    Conflict of Culture and Religion: Jalal Al-e-Ahmad's “Pink Nail Polish” from a Bakhtin's Carnivalistic Point of View.Muhammad Hussein Oroskhan & Sayyed Mohammad Anoosheh - 2017 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 77:35-43.
    Publication date: 14 June 2017 Source: Author: Muhammad Hussein Oroskhan, Sayyed Mohammad Anoosheh By the 1930s, the Iranian society was driven toward modernization. Consisted with the concept of modernization, feminism ushered a whole new era in Iranian history. Besides, the outbreak of World War II and the consequent abdication of Reza Khan afforded women a golden opportunity to fight for their rights and emancipations. This movement was also supported by the famous male writers of the time among whom Jalal Al-e-Ahmad (...)
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    Rereading Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd’s method of interpreting religious texts.Abdul Mufid, Abd Kadir Massoweang, Mujizatullah Mujizatullah, Abu Muslim & Zulkarnain Yani - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    The contemporary Qur’anic studies have been marked by amazing development. Various methods and approaches to understand the Qur’an are offered by the scholars. One of the prominent figures in this field is Nashr Hamid Abu Zayd. Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd (1943–2010 M) is a highly controversial contemporary thinker. He is an Egyptian scholar who is accused of being apostate, because of his theory of qur’anic hermeneutic (the textual of Qur’an). This is reflected in his stances towards contemporary religious discourse and (...)
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    al-Shahrastānī, Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Karīm.Emily J. Cottrell - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1188--1190.
  46. El marroquí Muhammad b.'Abd al-Hâdi al-Hâfi y sus misiones en Malta (1781-1789).Mariano Arribas Palau - 1984 - Al-Qantara 5 (1):203-234.
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    Muhammad Ben 'Abd al-Jabbar an-Niffary. [Standing #] 11. Mystical knowledge of mystical knowledge (ma'arifa ma'arif) of “Kitab al-mawaqif”.R. V. Pskhu - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):273-277.
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    Fath al-Rahīm al-Rahmān fī tafsīri āyat “inna Allāha yaʼmuru bil-ʻadli wa al-Ihsān” by Abū al-Ḥasan ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Ibn Muḥammad al-Khaṭīb al-Shirbīnī al-Shāfi’ī a Study and Critical Edition.Zakir Aras - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):619-639.
    This study seeks to investigate the treatise of Abū al-Hasan b. Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad al-Khatīb al-Shirbīnī al- Shāfiʻī (d. after 1028/1619) entitled Fatḥ al-Raḥīm al-Raḥmān fī tafsīr Āyat "inna Allāha yaʼmuru bi al-ʻadl wa al-iḥsān" based on the manuscript of the author. Shedding light on the translation of this unknown scholar, as it is evident from the title of the treatise that it contains the interpretation of this verse, which is well known among scholars and commentators as the most (...)
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    Formal and Contextual Features of Nahrī Aḥmad’s Dīwānçe.Abdülmecit İslamoğlu - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):435-466.
    Suyolcu-zāde Nahrī Aḥmad (d.1182/1768-1769) was an important sûfî poet being a member of Ismā‘īl Rūmī branch, the sect of Qādiriyya. He carried out the duty of spiritual and ethical guidance at Qādiriyya Lodge in Tekirdağ. Besides his sûfî character, he was a poet having an extensive knowledge about the theoretical and aesthetical bases of Dīwān literature. The only original copy of Nahrī’s Dīwānçe including his poems registered in the Vatican Library, Turkish Manuscripts, nr. 235. There are forty-five Turkish, twelve Arabic (...)
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    The Jalālī Calendar: the enigma of its radix date.Hamid-Reza Giahi Yazdi - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 74 (2):165-182.
    The Jalālī (or Malikī) Calendar is well known to Iranian and Western researchers. It was established by the order of Sulṭān Jalāl al-Dīn Malikshāh-i Saljūqī in the 5th c. A.H. (The dates which are designated with A.H. indicate the Hijrī Calendar.)/11th c. A.D. in Isfahan. After the death of Yazdigird III (the last king of the Sassanid dynasty), the Yazdigirdī Calendar, as a solar one, gradually lost its position, and the Hijrī Calendar replaced it. After the rise of Islam, nonetheless, (...)
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